•Movie information: Track your movies by Title, Director, Producer, Year, Length, Rating, Filmed in, Origin, Genre, Media, Cast list, Where your copy is, Where you got the movie, and your Rating of 1-5. And for your home dubbed or taped movies- Tape Speed, Manufacturer, Catalog #, Counter #, and Multiple Movies on the same tape.
•Searching: Search with keywords that will bring up a list of all the movies which contain those keywords in any of their information fields.
•Listing: View a condensed or expanded list of all your movies or just certain groups.
•Printing: As with listing, you can print a condensed or expanded list of some or all movies.
•Help: There is a complete graphical help layout that explains exactly how everything works.
•FileMaker Pro 2.x
•13" Monitor
•68040 processor recommended
•••As with everything I create, comments, criticisms, and/or suggestions are VERY welcome. I will try my best to implement all good ideas in future versions. Just drop me a note at either of the following addresses:
•Primary: sema4soft@aol.com
•Secondary: tibbetts@inav.net (until May 1996)
Shareware situation:
VideoBase is shareware, but I'm not asking for much. The details are as follows:
$15- You’ll receive all new versions of VideoBase via e-mail. And you’ll also receive the password to allow you to fully edit VideoBase.
$20- You’ll receive the latest version on disk via U.S. Mail and all other new versions in the future via e-mail(if you have an address). You’ll also receive the password to allow you to edit VideoBase.
$25- This is for people who live outside of the United States. Same as the $20 description, but the extra five dollars is for shipping costs.
Send check or cash to:
Jamie Tibbetts
644 Orchard St.
Deerfield, IL 60015
I can only get new releases to people with internet e-mail addresses or AOL e-mail addresses, but don't worry. If you register VideoBase and I can't get the new releases to you, they will always be available on large internet sites as well as AOL. You can also stop by the Semaphore Software Web Site at:
New versions should appear at Infomac sites and on the web page only a day or two after I release them.
Disclaimer: I reserve all rights to VideoBase. You may make any modifications you want so long as you don’t distribute the changed version. You may freely distribute VideoBase, just make sure it’s in its original form and has the accompanying files with it. Thank you.
•File information: Track your files by name, file type, subtype, size, version, author, creation date, modification date, where it was acquired from, type of software, if it's paid for, and a rating.
•Searching: Powerful search ability. Instantly jump to a known file or just hit one of the index letters A through Z to view files starting with that letter.
•List: List all files or list by numerous subtypes.
•Printing: Print single records of files or lists of any files you want.
•Launching: Click the "Launch" button to launch any file you have "tracked."
•Drop Adder: Just drop files onto the Drop Adder to add them to FileTrax.